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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vampire Feud Alert: Robert Pattinson vs... Adam Sandler?!

Fotonoticias/Getty Images; Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
We'll get to why in the world Kevin James is saying Adam Sandler is hotter than Robert Pattinson in a minute.
But first, which one of James' recent big screen costars actually—get this!—urinated on the former King of Queens funnyguy?!
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No, it wasn't his beautiful Zookeeper castmate Rosario Dawson.
"The elephant Rosie peed on me," James told reporters last night at the animal flick's premiere in Los Angeles. "I was laying down near her and she just opened the floodgates... [And] they pee a lot!"
Perhaps the movie should be renamed. Water From Elephants, anyone?
Meanwhile, we asked James about his just-announced animated comedy Hotel Transylvania in which he'll lend his voice alongside Sandler, who stars as iconic vampire Dracula.
So will Sandler beat out Twilight's Pattinson for hottest bloodsucker in Hollywood?
"You know the answer to that one!" James laughed. "Sandman all the way! Sandman rocks it!"
We don't know about hotter, but probably funnier.
As for how he's is going to get into his character as famed monster Frankenstein, James joked, "I've kind of lived it for quite a while. I had the bolts, I just took them out for tonight so they're there and I use them when I'm ready."
In more serious red carpet news, animal rights activists showed up across the street from the premiere to protest the film's use of animals. However, Sony quickly  denounced the opposition, insisting in a statement that no furry or four-legged creatures were harmed during the making of the movie.
VIDEO: More from the Zookeeper premiere
View the original article here


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